“I’m a gal, I’m your pal,
my name is Val”
Hello and welcome my beautiful soul. I’m your galpal Val and this is my very own playground, battleground and base of operations.
We are all equal, no matter what color your skin has, where you were born, what you believe in, what your gender identity or sexual orientation is.
This universal truth has sadly been forgotten way too often in human history.
But if we start looking outside our own bubble and start to talk and listen to each other, we can overcome prejudice, bigotry and discrimination and see each other for what we really are. Beautiful souls.

Hello and welcome my beautiful soul. I’m your galpal Val and this is my very own playground, battleground and base of operations.
We are all equal, no matter what color your skin has, where you were born, what you believe in, what your gender identity or sexual orientation is.
This universal truth has sadly been forgotten way too often in human history.
But if we start looking outside our own bubble and start to talk and listen to each other, we can overcome prejudice, bigotry and discrimination and see each other for what we really are. Beautiful souls.
We have to be visible. We should not be ashamed of who we are (Sylvia Rivera)

We all have our issues to deal with and the world would be a better place if we tried to understand each other’s issues more. This is, what this website is here for. To spread visibility and awareness for queer, especially trans, issues and struggles and thus try to help and bring us all closer together and stop the hate.
Many negative feelings people have about all minorities or “the others”, be it queer people, migratnts, or just people with different lifestyles, have their root in the fear of the unknown, the uncanny feeling of not knowing something or someonethat is different of oneself. By openly sharing some of the struggles queer people have, I hope to raise awareness and understanding that we are no different than any other human.
So please explore, read the blog, look at the pictures, or get in touch with me, and let’s work together for a better world without hate