This article is part of a series where I write in detail about my complex post traumatic stress disorder, how I uncovered it and how I finally managed to overcome it. Find the previous part...

This article is part of a series where I write in detail about my complex post traumatic stress disorder, how I uncovered it and how I finally managed to overcome it. Find the previous part...
Hey my beautiful souls, this is gonna be the first in a series of posts where I will write in detail about my complex post traumatic stress disorder, how I uncovered it and how I finally managed to overcome it. This first chapter shall cover my early childhood and...
(Picture credit: Cienpies Design&Communication - Cienpies Design - Hello my beautiful souls. Today it’s international women’s day so I thought I’d write a litte bit about being a feminist as a trans woman.As you can probably imagine, it is hard...
Hello my beautiful souls, and once more sorry for not writing something sooner, but sadly I didn’t have the spoons to be more active, because I still had to process things. But on the bright side, everything is well for me currently. My stay at the cptsd clinic has...
Don’t worry my beautiful souls, I am not starting to write about sports results now. But the first three weeks of my six week stay in the mental health clinic have passed and, at least for me, that is way more thrilling than any sports event anyway. So what has...
Editorial by Valerie: This article was written by my girlfriend Lisa. I decided to publish it here because it may very well have been written by myself. The struggle of dealing with heavy complex ptsd is hard enough on its own. But when two people with this diagnosis...
I hope all of you beautiful souls had a wonderful start into the new year. As you may know, I’m on rehab since the day after Christmas and while I was allowed home for new year’s and spent a wonderful time with my girlfriend, I am since stuck here and will be for...
Well, it’s been a month, although I have to say it doesn’t feel like it. So many things have happened and I’ve been so busy that time flew by. So it’s time for an update. I don’t even really know where to start tbh. There has been a huge fight, a breakup, a new...
picture credit: Zoe Kunz (@kunz961) Yesterday was an incredibly important day for me. I guess you already know, it was the Trans Day of Remembrance. What you may not have known yet, it was the first time I actually attended a real life protest and was able to pull...
Tomorrow on 20th of November it’s the international Trans Day of Remembrance (TDoR). In advance, the whole week has been trans awareness week. It is no coincidence that I wanted to launch my website during this week, I am trying to raise awareness after all.Sadly, me...